Parimaan - BIM Process Framework

The Parimaan platform delivers Key Business Outcomes by connecting data from different parts of an organization, mining it for insights, and then using it to make informed decisions. To access the application, go to which was created by the In-House Digital Engineering Team.

“Parimaan means amount, bulk, extent, length, quantity, scales, size or volume for L&T Construction it is the integrated BIM Platform”

P. Raja

Sr. Manager - BIM Technology & Implementation

Integrated BIM, as part Digital Transformation of the construction industry, seeks to integrate processes and data throughout the entire lifecycle of a project, connecting various functions that contribute towards its outcome.

We are progressively looking at how Integrated BIM can bring about driving project and business results by playing a fundamental role in this, by connecting a project or an organization’s data together, mining it for insights, and then using it for informed decisions for bringing more certainty to planned outcomes.

In the context of our organisation too, there are significant benefits to be achieved by integrating various functions involved in a project with BIM. Aspects that can be integrated in the BIM platform are BIM for design and construction, deliverable management and EDMS, progress planning, monitoring and control using 4D BIM, integrating the EIP system for cost, quantity control and procurement with 5D BIM, including client invoicing and bill payments, BIM in safety, GIS integration with BIM and using BIM for quality monitoring. For doing all of this, each of the functions or teams would be using the information from the integrated BIM platform as a “Single source of truth”. Linking the various functions of the organisation to a single source of truth ensures all teams are driving from the same data and leadership can transparently view the project holistically to make decisions.

“In recent years, the applications of BIM have become more common in all projects. We use collaborative works for BIM model creation at different locations and times. However, this collaborative works cause numerous practical problems in BIM model creation, which include incorrect model information, the need to rework the model etc. To overcome these problems, a SOP is required to enhance the quality of BIM model for the project. This SOP shall demonstrate how BIM can aid the design & construction process and how Sites can benefit from applying the BIM methodology “


Vice President & Head - EDRC


For any investment in BIM to mature in an organization consistent use and deployment of BIM across the various parts of the organization and departments is essential.

Today we have the ISO 19650 standards, accepted internationally as the information management protocol, for how projects need to visualize engineering designs, and collaborate more effectively between all stakeholders involved in the project.

BIM standards provide project continuity and give the project owners the information delivered in the desired format for their end use; they can also have a significant impact on productivity and ensure the overall BIM deployment across an organization is consistent, quick, repeatable, scalable, and effective.

Considering how large our organization is, it was necessary to put in place a framework of BIM methodologies and processes that could guide any project team right from bid stage to the ultimate handover stage on the steps to be followed for BIM adoption and information exchanges.

We have now put together the L&T BIM Process Framework, which follows the ISO 19650 framework across the stages of Bidding, Contract Award, Information Delivery and Handover with detailed SOPs to guide every process.

L&T BIM Process Framework
Reference Link:

7010 – SOP for 4D MODELLING

BIM Process Framework Covers all Stages of a Project from Bidding to Handover

“Policy, Process & Procedures: The important distinctions to systemize our business – Let us make no apologies for setting high standards. Remember we are “The Nation Builders”

BS. Mukund

HEAD - Building Information Modelling (BIM)