One day Field BIM Workshop

Authored by
Roshini RK
BIM Academy Coordinator

In the ever-evolving landscape of the architecture, engineering and construction industry, Building Information Modeling (BIM) has emerged as a game changer. As projects become more complex, the role of a BIM coordinator becomes indispensable. Field BIM Coordinators play crucial role in boosting project efficiency, minimizing errors, improving quality, and enhancing collaboration with stakeholders. They bridge various project teams like architects and engineers, and spot inconsistencies in BIM models during pre-construction stage indicating the delays. A proactive move by
Mr. Sajit Easwaramangalam Purushothaman (Senior Vice President & Head - WET IC) was to hold a workshop emphasizing the value and effectiveness of 4D and 5D BIM. There were more than 60 professionals nominated for this one day workshop to explore the responsibilities of coordinator, emphasizing the importance of problem solving as technical expertise. This session was conducted in 3 batches in the month of December 2023 to give wide knowledge on role and function of BIM coordinator.

Onset of this initiation,
Mr. B S Mukund (Head - Building Information Modeling) commenced the workshop highlighting the crucial role and responsibilities of BIM coordinator. He also insisted the significance of integrated platform for better project management. He explained the role of field BIM co-ordinator and also gave a brief introduction to major field BIM use cases which includes visual communication (VR & AR), 3D coordination, 3D control & planning, project scheduling i.e. 4D, quantity & cost control 5D, site utilization planning & construction analysis i.e. Digital Rehearsal, BIM for safety and Digital fabrication.

Field BIM Implementation will become success and we get to see ROI on the project when the BIM co-ordinator can make the project models visible to all the team members and the team becomes addictive to use it for their execution work at site.


Head - Building Information Modeling

Further, an awareness session was conducted to WET IC project directors and project managers emphasising the integration of 4D BIM and 5D BIM at project.

In modern construction projects, the Common Data Environment (CDE) emerges as a pivotal tool, transforming how information is collaborated, shared, published and archived.
Mr. Raja P (Senior Manager - BIM Technology and Implementation) explained how CDE serves as a secure repository, promoting transparency and minimizing errors in project timelines. It is a centralized database, promotes collaboration among the execution team and stakeholders, empowering project managers and BIM coordinators to maintain better control over data. RFIs are efficiently marked and highlighted within the system, ensuring timely resolution of issues. Furthermore, the review process is streamlined, allowing team members to add markups and comments directly from the viewer interface. With CDE BIM coordinators can organise project drawings and documents, navigate construction documents which becomes simpler and more comprehensive. In essence, CDE stands as a reliable single source of truth, optimizing information management and driving efficiency in construction project execution. Its implementation underscores a paradigm shift towards enhanced communication, collaboration, and control in the construction industry.

Following the training, a session by Mr. Valliappan M (Asst. Manager - BIM) and
Mr. Aravindraj C M (Asst. Manager - BIM) gave invaluable insights from Bexel Manager and provided hands-on experience focusing on using delay analysis and effectively visualizing Planned vs Actual progress. Attendees also learned how to capture daily progress directly from the site location, making the tedious task much easier. This training focused on presenting insights on how to do Planned vs Actual 5D report, forecast planning, 4D delay analysis and EIP integrated 5D report. In addition they learned how to efficiently conduct quantity take off for various time periods required across the project at the site for execution and analysis. Overall, this one day workshop has greatly enhanced the skills and capabilities of BIM coordinators, making project management and analysis effective.

Virtual reality is rapidly becoming the future viewing through present in which we interact and view the reality, it is important for construction and design industry to make this transformation. In this workshop,
Mr. Raja P (Senior Manager - BIM Technology and Implementation) explained the significant benefits of using VR and AR in a project, enabling to visualize and simulate projects before they are built. It allows architects, engineer, and project managers to create 3D models of building and view & modify in real-time, allowing stakeholders to collaborate and make informed decisions about the design and planning in the project. Candidates got first-hand experience with design, where they can walk around the room, change material in real time, experience complete virtual model with the devices.

In brief, this one day field BIM workshop paved way for the use of BIM in projects which in turn will contribute a smoother project execution, collaboration, cost savings ultimately leading to successful project outcomes.

We extend our warm congratulations to all the participants and wish them success in their endeavours with BIM!
